Prayer Closet

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6

Come to the Closet to Pray!

The word, pray as defined in the dictionary, means “to address God with a devout petition. To request something fervently. To implore.” When we pray we express our worship and adoration and lay our requests before God with anticipation for His guidance and wisdom; so seek Him in the Prayer Closet.


Prayer is as necessary as the air we breathe. It is the way we talk to God. Just as our bodies need oxygen to survive, our spirit needs the power that communication with gives to thrive. When we are in constant communication with The Lord, He nourishes our souls.


God makes it easy for us to communicate with Him, even if we are unsure of how to do so. Throughout Scripture, He speaks about this communication. The most notable passage is The Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13, in which Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray.


You don’t need a special place to retreat to pray, although some people use a quiet place or an actual closet from a spare room or empty pantry. The Lord loves to hear you speak with Him, wherever we do it and no matter the amount of time you spend. You can whisper private informal short prayers or follow the structured series on this site.


Why not invite God to your Prayer Closet and spend time in fellowship with Him.